Whether to charge for broadband service, and if so, how much, is another issue the industry has yet to resolve.
In many cases downtown areas have broadband service, but not homes one mile away.
Rather, they are buying broadband services offered by cable and telephone companies.
The British government announced to make broadband universal service available in 2012.
Sometimes broadband service might be available to an area, but only if construction or other work is completed first.
The plan does not estimate the amount of support that may be necessary to sustain broadband service in those areas where it already is available.
Therefore, broadband service may be increasingly necessary to access the full range of services and opportunities that the Internet can offer.
Many inhabitants of rural areas who are willing to pay for broadband service cannot get it.
Unless broadband service is available in certain areas investment and companies cannot be enticed to set up there.
But cable or phone companies charge $30 to $60 a month for residential broadband service.
In February of the same year, the two groups also released a white paper on freeing up broadcast television spectrum for use by wireless broadband services.
Thus, Novatium is India's first cloud computing on wireless broadband service.
A smaller-scale wireless broadband service (using Airspan) is offered in smaller towns around the country.
"The sizable benefits to households from mobile wireless broadband services are additional to our estimates," its report noted.
Pacific Internet introduced wireless broadband services in October 2001.
The number of antennas aboard cars is expected to increase further with the spread of wireless broadband services.
It will be able to provide both mobile and fixed wireless broadband services.
This is also the timetable that the white space coalition has set to begin offering wireless broadband services to consumers.
Many analysts expect that next year will see increasing promotion of lower-priced broadband services.
Tikona offers wireless broadband services to home consumers, small businesses and educational institutions across the country.