We re presently ranked 18th in the world in average broadband speed four times slower than South Korea.
He continued, "such cloud computing efforts are becoming more practical as broadband speed and connectivity options improve."
The problems with all these kind of services in the UK, especially HD video, is the poor broadband speed and/or low usage caps.
There is also a huge gap in terms of broadband speed.
Both studies point to Rhode Island as the state with the fastest average broadband speed.
This pygmy government is considering a target for broadband speed in 3 years that is already 5 years out of date now.
Online shopping is seen as a solution by many but will be dependent on broadband speed.
If you want the fastest average broadband speed in the world, don't move to Japan.
Villagers said they were getting a broadband speed of less than 1Mbps and approached the internet service provider to install a faster network.
The trick is getting the broadband speed up high enough to make it worthwhile.