In this Notice, we initiate a comprehensive examination of issues regarding the reliability, resiliency and continuity of communications networks, including broadband technologies.
They said any slowing in the development of new broadband technology could impede future economic growth and also keep prices for new wireless services higher here than abroad.
Many carriers who bear the cost of expanding the infrastructure favor federal incentives for carriers to invest in new broadband technology.
NTIA also invested approximately $117 million in state-driven projects that use broadband technology to improve their local economies.
What's more, broadband technology ought to be milk and honey by now.
As the number of homes serviced declines, broadband technology is able to develop.
These include a doorman, latest broadband technology, personal maids (which includes laundry and household cleaning) and there is also a fitness center.
Elsewhere, Enron attempts to use broadband technology to deliver movies on demand, and "trade weather" like a commodity; both initiatives fail.
This project will center in on increasing broadband internet usage, specifically in areas where broadband technology has been unavailable or underutilized.
When broadband technology was introduced, networking and routers were unfamiliar to consumers.
Melbourne Wireless made significant contributions on the regulation and future of wireless broadband technologies, as well as the legality of community wireless networks within Australia during 2002.
A wide range of Internet applications can then be accessed from mobile devices using wireless broadband technologies like WiFi and WiMAX.
They plan to use wireless broadband technologies, amongst others, which not only allows data transfers but also voice in the form of VOIP.
Terrestrial wireless broadband technologies focus on dense urban centers and leave consumers outside these areas with narrowband connections or no connection at all.
ABL developed a wireless broadband technology which offered high data rates over a point-to-multipoint radio link (25 Mbit/s operating in the 5.8 GHz unlicensed frequency band).
One is new wireless broadband technologies, which may compete for the Internet-to-the-home market.
This has become possible thanks to advances in open source telephony software and the dramatic decrease in the cost of wireless broadband technology.
Andy and Sean from Lab Rats discuss the hot new wireless broadband technology, WiMAX.
This network will return our country to its rightful position as a leader in wireless broadband technology and solidify its reputation as the center of global innovation.
For those who can't bear to stray far from an Internet connection, the advent of wireless broadband technology has been a godsend.