After the local broadcast ends at midnight, BBC programming is relayed live via satellite until the local broadcast resumes at 6:00am.
In 2007, the broadcasts once again resumed with a 52-week series.
Within a half hour, though, broadcasts resumed from another center in Moscow, this time with only an announcer.
The broadcasts resumed in the Reagan Administration.
When the broadcast resumed, Mr. Athens did so.
This was announced when broadcasts resumed at 16:54 that day.
More than 10 minutes later, the broadcast resumed, and Mr. Aliyev continued his remarks, making light of the incident.
Monthly broadcasts over the Bridgeport station will resume in November with "The Aldrich Family" revisited.
The broadcast of TV movies and old TV shows by Mediaset resumed on December 16, 2012 after almost a year of uninterrupted teleshopping programs.
The broadcast resumed.