It first aired on March 2, 2003 as the sixth episode in the fifth broadcast season.
It first aired June 8, 2003, as the tenth episode in the fifth broadcast season.
At the end of its broadcast season it ended with a 2.7, 12th out of 14 daytime serials.
It first aired on March 30, 2003 as the seventh episode of the fifth broadcast season.
The 1931-32 broadcast season saw some operas presented in their entirety and others partially.
When Futurama was effectively canceled in 2003, it had averaged 6.4 million viewers for the first half of its fourth broadcast season.
Callahan was a prolific contributor to early television, starting with the first full-schedule broadcast season in 1948-49.
Television's first broadcast season was in 1939, but it didn't gain widespread use for another decade.
Each national carrier will make its own choices from the Metropolitan's 20-week Saturday-afternoon broadcast season.
The episode first aired on March 31, 2002 as the ninth episode in the fourth broadcast season.