Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Broadly, we now have the story of the economy for the last two years.
"But the energy level is good, and people are thinking more broadly."
Broadly their areas of work are: with schools and community.
And I'm sure she is broadly right in her analysis.
But, as a matter of fact, it has been broadly clear for about 40 years.
"What we really need to do is think more broadly."
Yet death, more broadly, is not what it used to be.
But political control of the force needs to be shared broadly.
Only a broadly based agreement makes any sense in practice.
She smiled broadly, then turned to lead her family up another street.
He smiled more broadly than she had ever seen him.
His heart turned over, and he smiled broadly in return.
Broadly speaking, you have to be put in the same position as a local.
He smiled broadly as if nothing at all was wrong with the world.
It may broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more.
Thinking broadly and deeply about their lives was not easy for them.
Now the Federal courts will read the law much more broadly.
A vision that points the way and is broadly based.
One of the events she saw made her smile broadly.
He waved his hand broadly from west to east and back again.
She shook her head broadly, trying to make him understand this.
It now works broadly in the areas of education and faith development.
"And what that did was open the door for data to be shared broadly."
Their research, he said, should have been more broadly based to include interviews of the children.
But why was everyone smiling so broadly at the end of the hour?