And the fragile looking Ms. Steinman and solid Mr. Costa, a handsomely complementary pair dressed in white brocade robes and pants, perfectly evoked that mystical sense of timelessness.
Dressed in the loose brocade robes of the folk of Pan Tang, the visitor had black eyes, a great hooked nose, blue-black ringlets and a curling beard.
Satin brocade robes, high platform shoes and mukluks (the furry boots that are worn in the far north) were some of the cozy ideas.
Love of luxury, display, self ..." She eyed Gabriel in his ankle-length brocade robes, fan, and mandarin hat with its peacock feather.
Anatoly hunted up the magnificent scarlet brocade robe and the old faded pants and hung them on the door hook.
Some of the new goods include spices, bread, meat, candlesticks, leather jerkins, and brocade robes for the Occident and dates, milk, carpets, pearl necklaces, and marzipan for the Orient.
"O wondrous day," Chiun cheeped happily as he wrapped the white toga around his yellow brocade robe.
He spent several minutes eyeing Chiun's satin brocade robe and Remo's short-sleeved T-shirt before catching what Remo was saying.
He wore a heavy brocade robe of scarlet and black with nothing on beneath it.
The purple and gold brocade robe Thorn wore over his stark black shirt and hose hurt the eyes; its cost would have fed a poor commoner and his family for a year.