The furniture was probably the most recent in manufacture, and that looked to be at least two hundred years old, brocaded fabric taut over the cushions and gold leaf on the curved wooden legs.
Fine silks and brocaded fabrics, exquisite saris, brassware, jewellery, woodcraft, carpets, wall hangings, lamp shades and masks of Hindu and Buddhist deities are some of Varanasi's shopping attractions.
The walls were padded with richly brocaded fabrics; across the vaulted ceiling was a spray of enameled stars.
Covered by a type of brocaded fabric with inwoven metal threads that serve as a conductive surface that aides in the practice of electric fencing, the manchette is worn on the hand and wrist.
The theme, the 1890's, is taken from the Hayworth movie "My Gal Sal" and will feature turn-of-the-century brocaded fabrics, potted palms and Victorian attire.
Richly brocaded fabrics, ribbons, and lace characterize the opulent viceregal dress of the 17th century.
He ran a hand down the fine, brocaded fabric which Clostan had talked him into having made up.
In addition, though, numerous textiles hung on the walls sashes, headdresses, capes, many of them in brocaded fabric, and in a mixture of both muted and vibrant colors.
Their flowing robes of multicolored silks, their high-knotted brocaded fabrics, their velvets and snowy linens served to complement the High Temple's splendor.
Thai Amarin is evening attire, made of brocaded fabric.