That autumn Pavelić published a brochure called Establishment of the Croatian State: Lasting Peace in the Balkans which summarized important events of Croatian history.
To help, the ALPO Petfoods Company has produced a 20-page brochure called "Pets on the Go."
The college offers a free fact sheet on heartburn, a brochure called "Is It Just a Little Heartburn - or Something More Serious?"
At about the same time he published a popular scientific brochure called "A folk costume of Kadnikov district of the Vologda Governorate".
Y-ME offers a brochure called Understanding Your Breast Cancer Pathology Report that can help decipher the "medicalese" behind your wife's or mother's hospital chart.
But here, on our dressing table at the George, is a brochure called Wonderland, with Lewis Carroll's Alice on the front.
The New Jersey Department of Transportation explains the reasons for the change in a brochure called "Saving Teenage Lives," left.
It turned out to be the first of several visits, and the result is this show and its brochure called "Contrasts: 40 years of Change and Continuity in Puerto Rico."
His first published brochures called for Emancipation of the Jews.