A brochure for his company's season proposes "a nutty alternative" and calls it the "Notcracker" season.
James studies his Government literature and sets about to build, in the front room, what one brochure calls "an inner core, or refuge."
The glossy brochures call it "one of the nation's most intact literary house museums."
Just the thing for what the accompanying brochure called "the crack-it-yourself nut enthusiast."
One brochure I read called it your private dining experience.
The out-of-towners make their way to something the brochures call the Rink at Rockefeller Center.
Maybe it was the stuff that the brochures called coral.
For brochures and order forms call 744-6108.
A brochure for the development called it "a fertile area" that was "only walking distance away from lovely beach and shore areas."
Why They Come Sight-reading sessions like this are popular with what the group's brochure calls "the singing public."