He poked at the edges of the wound, where pus oozed from broken flesh.
How did you ease the pain of one who could look at his maimed and broken flesh and know he would never be the same again?
Mercedes Lackey broken flesh and know he would never be the same again?
The bus continued for about 100 yards, scattering debris and broken flesh.
When he probed at the broken flesh there, Longtusk couldn't help but flinch and growl.
The hide had already been split and he searched for the broken flesh, sawing desperately with the blade.
She felt the blood oozing from her broken flesh.
Her efforts were hampered by the flow of yolky fluid from his broken flesh, which gummed everything up.
One eye opened, like a stone embedded in broken flesh and scorched hair.
The eagle was a squashy mess of broken flesh and feathers.