Catherine de Medici tried again to broker peace, but neither side was trusting enough to be the first to lay down their arms.
He also tried to help broker a peace between Israel and Egypt in 1974.
This is not the first time South Africa has tried to broker peace for Congo.
There have never been easy answers for how to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
A witness says Gullette may have been trying to broker peace between two groups that were preparing for a fight.
Theophilos is trying to broker peace between the various participants.
Which is not to say there aren't other ways to broker peace in the war of the armrests.
At the beginning of the violence he had made a high-profile attempt to broker peace, which failed.
Or would we much rather broker peace in the Middle East, as the Palestinian issue lies at the heart of the problem?
Thirdly, it is interesting that Thailand is involved in trying to broker peace.