On the other hand, brokers warn, don't ask someone who barely knows you, even a famous someone, to write a recommendation, and think carefully before including one of your potential neighbors.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is studying a proposal to require brokers to warn borrowers that they don't necessarily represent their interests.
The downside for condominiums, some brokers warn, is that there are very few high-quality buildings.
But the Hang Seng is notoriously volatile, and even brokers who believe the upward trend will continue for the next six months warn that the market will move in fits and starts.
And the brokers on Diagonal Street, home of the exchange, warn that the market is pricey compared with its intrinsic values, and riskier than investors seem to understand.
Esther K. said that on Thursday night the broker approached her husband in synagogue and warned him that residents who made complaints public risked jeopardizing their mortgages.
But brokers warn that flooding is not covered in standard policies and also recommend that homeowners check to see if they are covered for backups of sewers or drains.
Still, brokers warned that the limit could prove to be a false security blanket.
Finally, this person said, the broker warned that if the employee did not exercise the options, Salomon might have to close the customer's account.
A wealthy buyer, brokers warn, is even more likely than the rest of us to walk away from a sloppy home.