There is some irony in this because, increasingly, the differences between the various large brokerage concerns are being muted.
And representatives of two large retail brokerage concerns said that most small investors were not shaken by the morning's developments.
"I don't know of a chief executive of any brokerage concern who would do anything like that," the money manager said.
The Internet address may change after a formal name for the system is adopted by the brokerage concerns, something that is expected to happen soon.
The brokerage concerns' individual listings can also be reached directly through the Internet.
The new corporation provided much-needed security to investors who had begun to fear they would lose their savings if their brokerage concerns collapsed.
In just a day and a half, the brokerage concern had taken orders for about $25 million of the bonds.
His father, who works in New Haven, is a vice president of Tucker Anthony, the brokerage concern.
The changes permit a foreign entity to own 10 percent or more of a securities firm and allow a commercial bank to own a brokerage concern.
Salomon Brothers, the brokerage concern that was to be both the prime tenant and a financial backer, withdrew from the project.