The bronze bracelet was actually brazed in place, and whoever had done it hadn't been gentle, since there were white scars under it on her wrist.
Celtic tombs containing items of prehistoric jewelry such as bronze bracelets have been found nearby.
Burial offering were also recovered, including bowls, fibulae, bronze bracelets, iron tools and silver rings.
Dirk no- ticed there was a wide bronze bracelet on the arm, under the glove.
She wears a checked shirt and army green pants and a thick bronze bracelet hangs loose around one wrist.
More accessible jewelry included bronze bracelets and earrings and carnelian beads.
She wore a wide bronze bracelet without ornamentation.
There were dozens of slim silver and bronze bracelets on each arm.
Some of the finds, including oil lamps and bronze bracelets, date from the 4th or 5th century AD.
She was wearing a bodice and a skirt, including a belt and bronze bracelets.