The bronze chandeliers shed a faint light.
Three large bronze chandeliers are contemporary to the original architects' design.
From it hangs a bronze chandelier with two levels of electric candles.
The massive bronze chandelier, which was designed in Europe, was made in three separate sections.
The room is illuminated by a bronze chandelier bearing a stylized Polish eagle.
Beaten bronze chandeliers suspended from the ceiling blazed with the light of a hundred tall candles.
The specialty of the restaurant, which has four wood-paneled rooms, bronze chandeliers and a red tiled floor, is gigantic "baby beef."
The theater features a Byzantine motif, a swirl of marble fountains, and large bronze chandeliers.
The courtrooms are paneled in polished gum wood and bronze chandeliers hang from the ceiling.
Chandelier: The mail hall is decorated with a bronze chandelier the weighs 3050 kg!