Hissl rises and picks up the white bronze dagger from the table as he steps toward the door.
Stepping back, Cardona lunged toward the wall and snatched the bronze dagger with both hands.
Wrenching at the bronze dagger, he twisted it aside, slashing, his coat in the action.
She was beginning to regret leaving her bronze dagger and bow back at the river, though.
The redhead's eyes burn; her fingers tighten on the white bronze dagger.
A Lorestān bronze dagger is inscribed with his name and title.
One of the voices was a youthful male; Dirrach held his one-piece bronze dagger ready.
The man also had a heavy-bladed sword tucked under his belt and a narrow bronze dagger as well.
She was not really surprised when he drew a long bronze dagger out from under his jerkin.
Human remains were found along with grave goods including a bronze dagger, beads, pottery, glass and other items.