F'lar noted that the bronze hinges were well oiled.
De Simone shows small objects - a bronze hinge, a charred lintel - turned up in the process.
Before them was k heavy gate of solid bronze which swung on massive bronze hinges.
The heavy wooden gate, set on massive bronze hinges, eased open even more widely as I watched.
A glint of bronze told me that they, too, were set with bronze hinges.
Only the door had been wrenched from its bronze hinges.
The door through which he had entered was an irregular slab of rock hung on heavy, oiled bronze hinges.
At the end of the hall were two huge, ornately carved oak doors with bronze hinges and handles.
They are plain, simple gates of 8 inch thick wood hung on bronze hinges.
Finds included a high quality textile and a bronze hinge from an 8th-9th century reliquary decorated in a style similar to that seen in Ireland.