Mr. Zannettos also added two bronze flagpoles and bronze lanterns at the front.
There is a bronze lantern in the precinct (City-designated Cultural Property)
Two bronze lanterns flank the main entrance, with grille-covered four-over-four sash in the outside bays.
A stylized eagle motif is centrally placed above the entrance, and bronze lanterns provide light.
A pair of 19th-century American bronze lanterns that are 28 inches high are priced at $2,400.
Virtually hidden is the detailing atop the hanging bronze lantern that lights the entrance lobby.
Richard Blade slipped into the shelter of a recessed doorway and held his bronze lantern out at arm's length.
He turned into a wider street and a few moments later rapped softly on a door, above which burned a bronze lantern.
A soft golden glow emanated from bronze lanterns, suspended from the gilt-inlaid ceiling.
The maid drew hangings across the wet landscape and set the bronze lanterns alight.