It was a small bronze seal, deeply cut.
It was so large that it must originally have been of considerable value, but when cleaned it turned out to be not a coin at all but a bronze seal.
In place of the bronze seal in the floor, Truman had a polychrome painted plaster seal installed above the entrance to the Blue Room.
It was named following the finding of a bronze seal bearing Crassius' name.
The Lady pressed a finger to the cup, moving it to see if its bronze seal was well in place.
A bronze seal, about the size of a coin and engraved with Cao Xiu's name revealed the tomb owner's identity.
In fact, the last known owner of the house was a man named Octavius Quartio, whose bronze seal was found inside the house during excavation.
A bronze seal found in the villa names L. Istacidius Zosimus, a freedman of the powerful Istacidii family.
The garden, which can be rented for weddings, will include an engraved contributors' stone with a bronze Presidential seal for donors of $25,000 or more.
He looked out of the tent at the messenger carrying Pompey's bronze seal and dressed quickly, leaving his armour behind.