The reporter lifted one bronzed hand to her face and smoothed the hair back from her eyes.
She stood frozen in shock as his strong, bronzed hands shredded the cape into tatters.
He held the drawings in his bronzed hands.
Slowly, the bronzed hands of the living image released their hold.
He grinned crookedly, leaned back, and spread out his darkly bronzed hands.
"Lily," he said, and his bronzed hands touched her.
Just as she was about to turn and make a break for the door, a clawlike bronzed hand reached out and seized her!
He was up abruptly, a strong, bronzed hand reaching out to help her rise.
He held out a bronzed hand, into which her little, one was swallowed up for a moment.
One bronzed hand gestured his companions to stay back.