For example, a brooding man with his hands in his pockets gives a stern look.
He looked away, and his gaze fell on the tall, brooding man sitting to Darkstrom's left.
This silent, brooding man had the measure of the Pharisees, without even the need to speak.
If he is a brooding man, let him come Beyond and announce himself.
Soon, Margo found herself drawn to this complicated and brooding man.
The General was a rather brooding, not very talkative man, but with an aura about him.
The other young man, dark and brooding, sat down in the back of the apartment.
So different from the brooding and unhappy man of a week ago.
Tony was a dark, brooding young man who had a similar hunger for a better life.
A husky, brooding man, he hadn't said ten words to the Executioner since they met.