He seemed to have withdrawn into a sullen, brooding mood so that he scarcely noticed anyone around him.
Polly snapped out of her brooding mood, then gasped as he reported the bizarre odyssey of Irma's casket.
The dwarf had fallen into one of his dark, brooding moods.
He left for work in silence, and returned that af- 76 The Way Home ternoon in the same brooding mood.
And, worst of all, she fell back into the bitter, brooding mood which had become habitual to her since she lived alone.
The Defender who is in a permanent bad mood, brooding and grumbling wherever he roams.
Instead of the usual shouting, talking, laughing, and music, a backdrop of eerie quiet added to the brooding mood.
Dr Penry Vaughan's brooding Celtic moods were a bit hard to take at times, to say the least.
He was in a downright brooding mood.
He noticed that the younger man had lapsed into a brooding mood.