Linda Oliva would march into her mother's home a few times a week, cook meals, shop, organize and fuss sweetly over her brother Frankie, who has special needs.
Since his brother Frankie was engaged to Abby's mother Jennifer at the time, she was expected to be his future step-niece.
Steve has film footage of Vic and brother Frankie committing crimes.
The new version was sung again by Kim Weston and Marvin Gaye's brother Frankie.
When she got home, she found a message from her brother Frankie on the answering machine.
Little brother Frankie (almost eight, and humorously dubbed the Bonus Jonus) is said to be the next Jonas boy ready to enter show biz.
"That's when your brother Frankie changed the signs on the ladies' room and men's room," Martha De Turris said to her husband, Ernie.
She has one brother Frankie, Jr.
Billy and Jimmy then start an ongoing feud with Godden, the man who killed their brother Frankie.