He and his late brother, David, acquired the once-moribund team in 1986 for $36 million.
The three brothers rapidly acquired general recognition as authorities on the Torah; and numerous inquiries were addressed to them.
The brothers acquired small pharmaceutical companies and reviving their business.
In short order, the brothers had acquired huge excess debt and lost their best income sources to repay it.
Here is the tricky part: if the wife dies then the husband's brother acquires all interest in the real estate.
Now it seemed to Harry that his brother was merely acquiring a lifestyle appropriate to his status and position.
The 53 antiquities that were auctioned last night, which the brothers acquired between 1977 and 1979, represent half the value.
The brothers soon acquired a third ship, La Diligent.
While his brothers acquired their own houses, he remained in possession of the Bârnova home.
The business was successful, and the brothers acquired full control of that business in 1862.