The brothers, however, made peace in March 1086 and acted as effective co-rulers.
For people who are in their 40s and have families, that's how brothers act around each other when they get together.
The fourth brother, George, acted as their manager.
Since he was still very young, his older brothers acted as regents for his part of the kingdom.
"It's not your fault your brother acts like a jackass."
Both brothers acted as co-rulers until Stanisław's death in 1524.
My brother and I have not acted capriciously or malevolently.
If the husband should die during the marriage, it was customary (though now a largely unobserved custom) for the brother to act as a replacement.
To foil the villains, one brother usually acts as a distraction while the other saves the animals.
His older brother, Francis, acted as his manager throughout his early career.