Ahmad and his elder brother assisted their father, Ahmad for 17 years.
He requested also that his brother bring with him a printing press and assist in the starting of a newspaper business in Queanbeyan.
Being only one of ten children, his brothers and sisters have assisted in campaign efforts.
(He has a job in the library of a pharmaceutical firm, which his brother got for him, and only occasionally assists with research.)
His mother's brother, Domingo, assisted the family and provided Ibáñez with a much needed father figure during childhood.
Because Jacob mentioned a plane earlier, the sheriff asks the brothers to assist in the search of the woods.
I and my brethren will assist you in any way we can, Sire.
May the venerable brethren assist me in maintaining my right.
Another brother, Idrissa, assists in running a social networking site that helps amateur footballers find a club.
Bolton's younger brother John (1818-1898) assisted him in making and designing stained glass.