When they stopped for a brief rest halfway back to Lilit's village, so the horses would not founder, his brother confronted him beneath the hot sun.
His death would allow the brothers to "explore, investigate and confront the yellow-eyed demon directly".
He said that Mr. Baez and his brothers had confronted the police and were resisting arrest.
Once the brothers later confront her, she uses a Ouija board to obtain information on Gordon and his location.
Dipendra's mother Aishwarya and his brother Nirajan confronted him in the garden of the palace, where they were both shot dead.
The two brothers confronted each other for the first time, to begin their last conflict.
The brothers head to the farm and confront the Wollners.
When the family returned home on July 14, his parents, brother and sister confronted Taylor and told him that his behavior had become unacceptable.
In one scene, she and her brother confront their father about his abusive behavior and unwillingness to accept Maureen's career choice.
His experience of having his brother confront the death penalty later motivated David to become an anti-death penalty activist.