His brother, Gyanendra and his wife Queen Aishwarya staunchly opposed Birendra's view.
She was 25 years younger than Harrison, and Mary McKee and her brother opposed their father's relationship and remarriage.
His brother opposed their marriage, and eventually Vincenzo himself became unhappy with the match because of the pressure of having children, which Isabella failed to produce.
Pizarro's brother Hernando and de Soto opposed Atahualpa's execution, considering it an injustice.
The brothers are ideologically opposed when it comes to notions of national identity, their values, ideas about their native Bolivia and relationships.
While his wife Ethel supported the idea, Kennedy's brother, Ted, initially opposed, but offered his support when the decision was finally made to enter the race.
Have brothers or sisters ever before been opposing goalies in a college game?
Unfortunately for Ozaki, her older brother opposed the marriage, believing that this maternal connection was too close.
She agreed, but her brother strongly opposed the idea.
(When Ruth's twin brother opposes Andrew's vision of the island's future, the two men risk their lives in a rock-climbing contest.)