And by 1994, the brothers had split up, leaving only Eric in the house.
In later years, the brothers would sometimes split up, each leading a band named after himself.
Bobby and younger brother James split vocal leads on the project.
The brothers split into two entities, borrowed $500,000 each and within six months had made enough from the business to pay off the mortgage.
On 15 May 1561, the brothers split their territory for the first time.
Unfortunately, when the team showed up, the brethren had split.
So rather than working for consensus, the two brothers split the conclave.
Even though the brothers have split up and gone off on their own endeavours, they still play together occasionally.
In the late 1950s, however, the brothers amicably split up.
The disagreement led the two brothers to split from Haynes and start a company of their own in 1902.