David and his older brother Daniel swore they would find a vaccine for it.
My brother swore that my daughter would not inherit at his death.
However, even as the two brothers swear friendship, a voice is heard crying "Never!"
Manivannan refuses to give them away and the brothers swear bloodshed.
The brothers swore not to make any private alliances with the goal of furthering their claims on the succession.
His older brother, Paolo, swears revenge, but he too is murdered soon afterwards.
Payne said that his brother was and always had been an earnest Protestant but that even so would never swear to such a thing.
To make matters worse, the brother of the girl swears vengeance and escapes from police custody.
"My brother swore it did, and he has no imagination, so I must believe him."
During the nights, I would wake, hearing my brothers scream and swear outside, sometimes near, sometimes far away.