The cannon was used when Richmond guards were brought in to protect the records.
This has brought us together with local people and politicians around a shared interest to protect a vital service in an area of high unemployment.
On the same day around midnight, 117 soldiers were brought to Buckingham to protect the property of the company.
Stanton was brought in to protect a 5-3 lead in the eighth.
"How do you read it to handcuff prosecutions brought to protect one of those victims?"
The remains of the 7th and 9th Fighter Groups were brought in to protect the capital.
Branches were cut and brought indoors during winter to protect these spirits from cold weather.
It was unclear whether the plastic had been found inside the trunk or brought to the scene by the investigators to protect evidence.
There was a one-person inflatable brought to protect the food from weather and predators.
"At times of great concern, such as when the war was going on, extra security staff was brought on to protect the building."