No Air National Guard units have the immense planes, which are painted in green and brown camouflage.
Two tall, smiling men in dirty brown camouflage appeared at the back of the truck, gesturing with automatic weapons for us to climb out.
The dirt road debouched into a broad clearing almost entirely filled by a tent of mottled green and brown camouflage cloth.
When the Second World War started, the aircraft were repainted from dark grey to a brown and green camouflage scheme.
He was dressed from head to foot in parachutists' camouflage - green, brown and black.
It was an American-made C-130 transport in black and brown camouflage, hugging the rolling, rugged terrain, flying barely a hundred meters aboveground.
They were invisible among the brown boulders in their brown camouflage, completely motionless.
A gunship, light brown camouflage, maybe a Bell or an Apache.
Shifting, Bolan peered up through the branches and saw a small chopper painted in camouflage green and brown.
Ah, a bit of oily brown camouflage for the skin.