He wore a dark brown cassock loosely belted at the waist by a string of beads, and his feet, I saw, were encased in sturdy sandals.
He looked right and left, then approached the table where sat the gentleman in the brown cassock.
There, kneeling in the soil, was a priest in a dirty brown cassock.
Halfway through one such fine morning a person of portly habit, wearing a brown cassock, came to sit at one of the Blue Ox's outside tables.
The troll turned back to address a worried-looking monk in a brown cassock.
He wore a brown cassock tied with a black cord.
There was something monkish about him, thought Dragosani; he would exactly suit a brown cassock and slippers.
He was certainly in his Father Marablis mode, brown cassock and unctuous gestures; I was rather glad I couldn't hear what he was saying.
Now he stood before Thalhkarsh, an unimpressive figure in a plain brown cassock, plump and aging, with his hands tucked into the sleeves of his robe.
Misbehavior on a Throne A sneaky fellow in a brown cassock with a large cross seemed to represent a church corruption.