You can even see the brown coating that forms.
They are made of bamboo and a brown coating of dried manure or compressed sawdust.
The flour gives them a nice brown coating and extra flavor.
The Reb was filthy with fuel oil and, beneath that dark brown coating, looked stunned.
They are really not bad: light and greaseless, with a crisp brown coating.
Fried chicken was really, really good, moist on the inside, with a dark brown crispy coating.
It has broad, dark green leaves, 7-19 cm (3-7 in) long, with a silvery, fawn or brown hairy coating beneath.
They appear to be highly polished on one side and covered with a dark brown, matte coating on the other.
Diatoms are frequently present as a brown, slippery coating on submerged stones and sticks, and may be seen to "stream" with river current.
Most was black, but there were brown and blue coatings as well, and red and grey.