Adult-sized neotenes have a uniform brown coloring on their heads, sides, and backs.
Rather than adding brown coloring, Miller decided to market the product in its more natural form and thus was Clear Beer born.
Almost any organic substance which can be de-hydrated and partly oxidized by the acid will build up the brown coloring.
The first segment of the abdomen has metallic and dark brown coloring.
She pulled Mikhail's still soggy cloak over him, hoping its brown coloring would hide him.
Dryomyzidae is a small family of flies ranging from 4-18mm long, with prominent bristles, and yellow to brown coloring.
Melanin, the brown coloring in one's skin, is the chemical least likely to cause harm when it absorbs such energy.
The columella, or the lower portion of the inside coil, has dark brown coloring.
Its fur has a brown coloring, and it has a white-tipped tail.
O. umbellae either have a brown or black coloring.