Each cupule contains one ovoid shiny dark brown nut that is edible.
A Djucu (pronounced joo-ko) is a brown and black nut that comes from the sea.
In its claws it clutches a small, brown nut.
Just above him was a bough of ripe, brown nuts, end he picked them and ate a handful.
He had on a brown nut with the coat open.
There was a high hedge of hazel on either side and you could see clusters of ripe brown nuts in their green jackets.
This sedge forms fruits in the form of an almost oval brown nut that is 2 mm wide and 3-4mm in length.
A fresh pecan is a revelation, a far different thing from the brown, often wizened nut that you find in bags on supermarket shelves.
The seeds are a light brown nut to 9 mm in length with a wing to 1.5 cm long
Lamech bowed, seeming more than ever like a small brown nut in comparison with the great winged one.