Or flowers might open - only to be frozen and turned to brown rags.
But I knew him by the discoloured brown rags that flapped under the skeleton, and the one old broken sandal which lay flung nearby among the April daisies.
The men were reed-thin, bare-legged, draped in brown rags.
Let's hope that a sudden freeze doesn't turn their velvety petals to brown rags.
Close to ground level, the leaves of dessert grapes in the fruit cage hung like brown rags, my strawberries had eyes as black as prizefighters and the asparagus looked as if it had already been boiled.
It was Verkan; he carried a rifle and wore a dirty gray-green smock with a hood; his sword and belt were covered with green and brown rags.
But now, as frost turns summer bloomers to brown rags, tall, sumptuous goldenrods tower over the mailbox and along the side of the road, as if invigorated by recent chilly nights.
The Dugbo practitioner was a spindly little man dressed in brown rags and boots of uncured leather.
He stood five and a half feet tall, dressed in brown rags.
It keeps blooming after the frost has turned all else to limp brown rags.