It did look like a fist, Jon Snow thought, punching up through earth and wood, its bare brown slopes knuckled with stone.
He sipped his tea and stared at the bunkers on the brown slope.
Three days later he saw the Platte, winding between low brown slopes.
Here, the dazzling green of the valley floor contrasts nicely with the barren brown slopes of the mountains that flank it.
How beautiful are the snows above, and the brown slopes below, and the broad plains beyond that roll away to those bordering hills!
Like a scythe, the storm turned the lush, green hillsides into brown, leafless slopes.
Afterwards, I staggered out onto the fresh brown slope and saw there a mother bee climbing from her nest.
Brianna saw the brown slopes of high hills in the distance, covered with roads and buildings but very little vegetation.
It was like a long wound, a gash in the peaceful brown slope, quivering with deadly, ominous life.
The Tripod got him as he galloped across the bare brown slope of a vineyard.