The smoke of volcanoes was a brown smear in the new morning's sunlight.
She saw the bandages covering his left shoulder, the dark brown smear of dried blood.
They walked together, Catherine's arm pressed to his, their feet leaving long brown smears on the white sidewalks.
Through the rather dusty brown smear I saw two toy dogs grinning.
She was covered in brown smears of dried blood and other bodily fluids.
In its place stood a deep brown smear, miles across, as though a giant ball had rolled over the land from west to east.
He wiped sweat from his forehead, leaving a brown smear.
And once the leader saw a brown smear of blood where the half-caste girl may have trod.
He looked with distaste at the brown smear on the rough gray wool.
There was a thin brown smear along the edge of the metal.