It was hard to tell brown socks from black in the crummy light.
She's wearing cheap white sneakers, brown socks and oversized jeans.
I switched a pair of brown socks with a pair of gray ones.
The underpants were a young man's Horns, pale blue and white, the socks dark brown, an expensive brand made of silk.
"Get away from here, youl" she called down and waved her hand at him like 'a brown sock.
He still had his slightly fuzzy brown socks, though.
Not one of my assistants has a pair of brown socks or brown shoes.
His dark brown socks, with light brown stripes, had set him, or his old man, back four bucks.
In September 2010, Blacksocks introduced navy, gray and brown socks.
Paks put on a pair of the heavy brown socks and eased her feet into the boots.