Last spring, brown splotches started to show up on the south side of the house, as though there was seepage from the wood.
They can be a reddish- or yellowish-brown to dull white, with darker brown splotches.
The nest is built by the female and she lays 4-7 white eggs with brown splotches on them.
The skin of her hands was wrinkled, and there were some small brown splotches on them.
They put big brown splotches on it.
The dead turf showed in dark brown splotches under a ragged mantle of frost.
These appear as large yellow or brown splotches.
This species is identified by its brown colored body with the dark brown splotches.
Suppose we take a guinea pig-white with brown splotches.
The adults are not so cryptic and have bright green wings with dark brown splotches.