On it sat a young, brown-skinned, plain-faced girl, arms and legs bound by thick twine, dark hair tied in pigtails.
The brown-skinned girl was in a position to see us, but she showed no sign of recognition.
She was a small, brown-skinned girl.
The young man found a pretty, brown-skinned girl who was willing to have him for a husband, and the whole village came to the wedding feast.
I'm a brown-skinned black girl with nappy - no, that's a catchword, make it frizzy - hair.
A brown-skinned girl, dressed mainly in red flowers, was posed against palm trees and the sea.
The brown-skinned girl darted around a sharp switchback, still climbing.
The two men stared at each other, then at the black-haired brown-skinned long-legged girl who sat relaxed in the stern.
And, to Cat's surprise, the smallest brown-skinned girl was also a slave.
In another moment a brown-skinned girl about six years of age joined them.