To get a crisp, richly browned skin, remove the cheesecloth about 45 minutes before the turkey is done.
And his mother always heated green chilies on trays in the oven, and then they all sat at the table, peeling off the browned skins.
Thin white lines cut through the browned skin at an angle.
The pans are heavy duty and perform beautifully, producing crisply browned skin on poultry and flavorsome gravies from the pan drippings.
Shibo peered at him, the blades of bone beneath her cheeks seeming to stretch her browned skin taut and shinv.
They saw lean, vigorous couples in their 60's and 70's, with browned, leathery skin; a Hispanic family whose darkly beautiful kids were tossing a Frisbee.
The slices of goose ranged from tender to chewy, but the slightly browned skin was fatty and undercooked.
The lights flashed on their glistening browned skins as they shadow-boxed and danced, skittish as race horses, bursting with energy.
Marking gives it a crisp finish and browned skin; the roasting keeps it moist and juicier than when everything is done under the grill.
Large fruit which are uniformly green, without cracks or mostly browned skin, are best.