Microsoft insists that the very acts the government claimed were anticompetitive, like folding browsing software into Windows, resulted in bringing the Internet to the PC-using masses.
The court also sent back for reconsideration the claim that Microsoft illegally tied its browsing software to its monopoly product, Windows.
Netscape's assent would have ensured that, for the foreseeable future, Microsoft would produce the only platform-level browsing software distributed to run on Windows.
This would have eliminated the prospect that non-Microsoft browsing software could weaken the applications barrier to entry.
The Dreamcast initiated this change with its built in modem, internet browsing software, and ability to play certain games online.
By clicking around at the site, one can find a new feature, available to visitors with newer browsing software, that updates the time on screen, second by second.
The 1998 filing sought to give Microsoft a series of options, such as removing its browsing software from Windows, or carrying a competitor's browser.
In the browser market, it folded its browsing software into Windows and gave it away.
Second, the restrictive terms in the agreements have prevented IAPs from meeting consumer demand for copies of non-Microsoft browsing software pre-configured for those services.
Microsoft had replied that it simply made a product-design decision to include browsing software in Windows, rather than make it a separate product.