Just brush fires.
Southeastern Australia, the most heavily populated and most thickly wooded region in the country, is always vulnerable to brush fires caused by lightning or accidents in the summer.
But their vigor stems partly from Israel's willingness to accept pop culture as an urban force, akin to brush fires and earthquakes, that is constantly loosening the city's grip on permanence.
Butenolide derivatives known as karrikins are produced by some plants on exposure to high temperatures due to brush fires.
In the catalogue of natural disasters, California can always be counted on to hold its own, from earthquakes and mudslides to brush fires and floods.
In the West, some fire departments have coordinated massive responses to brush fires.
Even with fewer calls, though, the department still responds to brush fires in nearby Marine Park and the occasional house fire; it also rescues people in its lone ambulance.
The safari battles brush fires, fever, drought and storms, eventually reaching the Lorentz compound where Lorna informs them that her father has not returned from a journey to Green Hell.
The area surrounding the highway is also prone to brush fires and flash floods.
For the most part, the volunteers pump flooded basements, search for lost children, attend to brush fires, kitchen fires and a host of other everyday household emergencies.