Standing outside the back of the shed and beyond the electrified wire, smoking another cigarette he didn't want, Owen went in search of Henry and found him working his way down a steep, brushy slope.
They scrambled over boulders which the horse must negotiate carefully to avoid a broken leg, and then they were in another little ravine, walled round with rocks and high, brushy slopes.
There are areas of scattered trees and brushy slopes in the vicinity.
The Trans-Pecos rat snake's habitat consists of desert flats and brushy slopes, and rocky outcrops where they nest and feed on small vertebrates.
When the gently rising land began to change into steep, brushy slopes of sedge and thistle, Simon at last waved Marya to a stop.
They crossed the rock-strewn bench to the brushy slope that led down to the narrow stream that was the headwaters of the sizeable river farther on down the ravine.
But on the brushy slope between them, crouching in cover and watching the elf approach, were goblins - armed, armored goblins waiting in ambush.
A rocky, brushy slope rose beyond them, blotting out half the sky.
A quarter of a mile away, my very first deer and several others were meandering down a brushy slope in the general direction of the orchard.
A sharp eye might spot these animals feeding along the banks of streams, on grassy benchlands, and on brushy slopes.