He doesn't exactly stop time; painting with a deft, slightly brushy touch and with uncanny accuracy, he makes you feel that the time of the picture is still happening.
Painted with a dry, flat and slightly brushy touch, Mr. Whitney's blocks of near-pure color, separated by horizontal bands like books on a bookshelf, have a syncopated chromatic rhythm that is a pleasure to behold.
With a relaxed but exacting brushy touch, he layers sketchy, calligraphic marks over more generous brushstrokes, creating a dense, intricately knit, all-over abstraction that nicely matches a visionary world of reflective waters and plant life - ferns, vines, palms, reeds and lily pads.
On one side, painted with a loose, brushy touch in black, white, grays and browns on a black field, is a big image of a dog gazing out at us with a look of ingratiating friendliness.
Her new canvases, the most interesting of which are long and narrow, present fragmentary views of floors, columns and windows, including areas of elaborate decorative patterning, all rendered with a thin, brushy touch and in a muted, predominantly orange-and-blue palette (Johnson).
From the 50's on, there is a persistent tension between the slightly brushy touch and a determination to register the visual facts.
Other paintings, apparently done from direct observation and made with a tender, slightly brushy touch read as empathic meditations on the mortality of the flesh.
With a crude, brushy touch, Pavel Leonov paints geometrically ordered agrarian paradises.
With a finicky, brushy touch he creates sculptural illusionism by painting incremental, progressively darker or lighter bands.
On the other side, Arnold Wechsler presents two versions of a gridded inventory of doodles and symbols, one realized on a large canvas with a loose, brushy touch, the other digitally replicated and ink-jet printed on paper.