Under his brusque treatment, she came out of her faint.
The young nobleman resented this brusque treatment and, despite the guns that were trained on him, he began a brief struggle.
Critics say that resentment increased because of his brusque treatment of dancers, who were frequently reduced to tears by his critiques.
A number of workers said the discontent stemmed not just from the recent firings but also from brusque treatment, the speed of the production line and widespread injuries.
The security mission often means brusque treatment of ordinary citizens; after all, terrorists and suicide bombers emerge from the general population with disturbing regularity.
The men suing compare their brusque treatment to that in a totalitarian state.
"Dinkins Blew It," was Newsday's brusque treatment.
His sometimes brusque treatment of high-ranking military officers accounts for the private glee with which some Pentagon officers view his departure.
But she showed that she made a distinction between them by act and word, the Burgundians being Frenchmen and therefore entitled to less brusque treatment than the English.
X-Ray Machines Broken The problems with the clinics go beyond the cramped quarters, long waits and brusque treatment.