It was to be a brutal affair.
Not a local rivalry, but the Jets and London Blitz have brutal affairs.
The Battle which lasted for more than 10 hours was hotly contested and became an exceedingly brutal affair.
The match was an exceptionally brutal affair and was abandoned in the second half after a brawl between all 26 players.
But by making -the murder a brutal affair to cover the traces of the bullet, he made it impossible.
The start of an open water swim is a brutal affair.
The uprising was a shocking, brutal affair and left deep scars on both sides.
We can kill each other if one is clearly stronger, though it is quite a brutal affair, but suicide is nearly impossible.
"What do you think your mother would say if she knew you were helping in such a brutal affair?"
While police are saying little about the apparent murder, it was seemingly a very brutal affair.